76th OSCAR Academy Award for Best Original Song goes to---

"Into the West" – The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King • Music and lyrics: Fran Walsh, Howard Shore and Annie Lennox
Annie Lennox 小姐的演唱功力一流當然沒話說,
A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow - Mitch and Mickey

When the veil of dreams is lifted
And the fairy-tales have all been told
There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow
More precious than a pot of gold.

In tales of ancient glory
Every knight a maiden fair
Shall be joined when the quest is over
And the kiss is the oath that they swear

When the veil of dreams is lifted
And the fairy-tales have all been told
There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow
More precious than a pot of gold.

My sweet, my dear, my darling
You're so far away from me
Though an ocean of tears divides us
Let the bridge of our love span the sea

Your kiss There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow
More precious than a pot of gold.


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